Pepper and Kili’s Move Story: Importing Dogs to New Zealand

American Bulldog moves to New Zealand with family We're thrilled to report that Pepper and Kili are safe and sound in New Zealand! Read their unique relocation story below. 

So I cannot say enough good things about PetRelocation. My husband and I were in a crazy situation. My husband previously was in the military and we were stationed in South Korea when we decided that we were going to leave the military and start over in New Zealand. Well, when we got back to the US to finalize our move we had to move rather quickly.

We had originally gone with a completely different pet relocation company. One of the major things that we had to work with was the fact that we have an American Bulldog. Meaning we were having to work with limited airlines. Well, about two weeks or so before we were meant to leave things completely fell apart and I called Katy and Linda at PetRelocation in tears. They were able to step in and help sort everything out.

American bulldog and german shepherd shipped to new zealand

Because we were so close to our deadline, our pups ended up having to stay in the States with my brother for a month, but I knew what was going on every step of the way. They kept me in the loop and when our dogs missed their check-in they made sure they were on the next flight of the day. I was truly at peace with the whole experience unlike with the first company I was nervous about the whole thing. 

Multiple pets move to New Zealand

I really cannot thank them enough for making sure that we had our family completely together as we start our new life in New Zealand. Pepper and Kili are loving their new home and for the first time EVER they have a fenced in yard that they can run around in and just be outside without having to worry about being on a lead.

pets reunited with family in new zealand after move

Pet Travel Details:

Name: Katherine
Pet Names: Pepper & Kili
Pet Type: Dog
From: Ohio, United States
To: Auckland, New Zealand

Moving with your dogs (or other pets) soon? Contact us to learn about your pet's move plan options. 


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