AllExperts Question: Dog from England to Malaysia

Questioner: Natalie

Subject: Pet moving a dog to Malaysia

Question: We are going to Malaysia for about 4 months and are wanting to take our dog, does the dog need to go into pet travel quarantine before? and will she need to go into quarantine when we return to England.


Answer: Hello Natalie,

Thank you for your inquiry. To go to Malaysia for four months would not be too difficult and you would not have to quarantine your dog beforehand. However, I would need to know where in Malaysia you were going in order to fully answer the question about the return trip. For example, Kuala Lumpur is not rabies free and so if you would be going there, you would have to quarantine your dog upon your return to England. Miri, on the other hand, is rabies free, so you would not have to quarantine.

Hope this helps somewhat, and please let me know if you have any other questions!

Kind regards,


PetRelocation Team


