Bird Travel Question: Hawaii Import Requirements for a Blue-Naped Mousebird

Name: Nic W.
Number of Pets: 1
Pet Type: Bird
Pet Breed: Blue-Naped Mousebird
From: San Diego, CA
To: Maui, HI

I have an offer for work in Maui, but I'm not sure I can bring my pet mousebird with me. According to what I've been able to find, the species isn't on any of the state's lists (which seems to indicate it's prohibited), but I'm not sure if I'm missing something.

Hi Nic,

Congratulations on the job offer and thanks for checking in with us! Transporting birds can be a delicate and somewhat tricky process, but we're happy to help make sense of the rules and requirements.

First, take a look at the basic guidelines regarding the Import and Export of Exotic Species and consult the CITES Species Database for more information about how - and if - mousebirds may be received in Maui. We also recommend that you directly contact the Department of Agriculture in Hawaii to learn more about your options.

Good luck with everything and please contact us if you'd like to speak to a Pet Relocation Specialist about your move!


PetRelocation Team


