“Can I Move My Cat to The Philippines?”

Name: Suhada
Number of Pets: 1
Pet Type: Cat
From: Kuwait
To: Philippines

Can I move my pet to the Philippines? What are the requirements?




Hi Suhada,

Thanks for contacting us with your question. Bringing your cat to the Philippines will require that you follow this set of import rules. Primarily you'll need a microchip, an updated rabies vaccine, and an international health certificate.

If you have questions about moving your cat and think you'd like to hire us to assist, please fill out our free quote form. The cost of moving a pet varies from one situation to the next, but international moves such as yours are usually no less than $2,500 USD.

Hopefully this starts you off in the right direction. Good luck with everything, and let us know if we can help you further prepare for your cat's move.



PetRelocation Team



