Cat Air Travel to The United States

Name: Richard
From: London, UK
To: Atlanta, GA, USA
Pet: Tiger, Domestic Cat

Dear PetRelocation,
How do I take our family pet cat to Atlanta with us?

Hi Richard,
We'd be happy to offer you some advice about your upcoming trip. These are the pet import requirements for the United States. There is no quarantine, but Tiger will need an up-to-date rabies vaccine and a health certificate.
You'll want to make sure you have an airline-approved travel crate, also, and help your cat get used to it in the days leading up to your trip. Pet travel can certainly feel overwhelming, so please contact us and/or peruse these frequently asked pet travel questions to give you a further sense of what to expect.
Thanks for the question, and have a great trip!


PetRelocation Team





United States, UK