Concerns about Pet Travel to Tanzania

Name: Kelly
Number of Pets: 1
Pet Type: Dog
Pet Breed: Border Collie Mix
From: Park City, Utah
To: Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania

What is involved with moving my dog to Tanzania from the States? Is it traumatic for him and how would he get there? Would we need to travel together or could he follow a month later? -Kelly

Hi Kelly,

Take a look at the Pet Import Requirements for Tanzania and please contact us if you have any questions about arranging your move. As you can see, there are several steps you'll need to take, so it's important to get started early.

With the proper preparations (getting your dog used to his crate, choosing to fly with a pet-friendly airline, etc...), your move can be carried out smoothly and safely -- and your dog doesn't necessarily have to travel with you. It's certainly understandable to have concerns, but as you can see from the topics we've addressed on our blog, there are plenty of ways to avoid problems.

Good luck and thanks for the question! Again, let us know if you'd like some pet shipping assistance!


PetRelocation Team


