Dog Travel from Florida to California

Name: Sandra
From: West Palm Beach, FL
To: Los Angeles, CA
Pets: German Shepherd

Dear PetRelocation,
We have a very large puppy that we want to give to a family member. What is the safest way to transport him (he is 8 months old and 85 lbs)? We would like to send him unescorted, if possible.
Any information you can share would be helpful, thanks!
Hi Sandra,
Sure, we'd be happy to offer some advice. To move a pet domestically you need to show proof of an updated rabies vaccine and also have a vet health certificate (here are the pet import requirements for the United States). The most important tips we can offer are these:


Hopefully this helps to get you started. Please contact us if you have more questions or would like a free quote for our services. Thanks again for the note, and good luck!


PetRelocation Team




United States