Finding Pet Safe Flights to Australia


We are currently in the process of getting our dog ready to travel to Australia, but we are having trouble finding an airline that accepts French Bulldogs. Do you have a list of preferred airlines you recommend and who are also willing to accept our Frenchie?



Hi Kyle,

Thank you for your inquiry! Choosing a pet safe airline is a big part of planning a smooth and streamlined pet move, and we'd be happy to help with some advice about traveling with your French Bulldog.

Generally speaking, we have a few pet friendly carriers that we prefer to work with. United, KLM, Lufthansa and British Airways show a commitment to pet safe travel, and specifically for Australia pet moves we typically use Qantas. As you'll see on Qantas' website, they do transport brachycephalic (snub nosed) breeds under certain circumstances:

In addition to following the rules the airline sets forth, we also recommend looking over these tips for flying with snub nosed pets as well as this general pet travel advice. As you'll see, in addition to choosing a pet friendly airline you'll also want to spend time on crate training, proper hydration, and speaking to your vet about any concerns you may have.

You've probably discovered that Australia's pet import rules are pretty complex regardless of your pet's breed. If you've yet to do so, we recommend using the official Australia government website to build a timeline for your dog's relocation in order to properly complete all vaccines and health paperwork.

We've helped many pets move safely to Australia (including Chunk, a French Bulldog) and would be happy to help you, too. Please fill out our online consultation form if you're interested in finding out more about our services, and either way, good luck with your trip!


Pet Travel Question Details:

Name: Kyle
Number of Pets: 1
Pet Type: Dog
Pet Breed: French Bulldog
From: Sweden
To: Australia


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