Flying with a Dog within the United States

Name: Megan
Number of Pets: 1
Pet Type: Dog
Pet Breed: Maltese
From: New York
To: California


Dear PetRelocation,

How much would it cost for my dog to move from New York to California? How long will it take and what are some of the requirements I need for him?




Hi Megan,

Thank you for your message, we'd be happy to help. Transporting pets domestically is pretty straightforward; essentially you need your dog to be up to date on his rabies vaccine and also have a vet health certificate stating he is fit to fly (this is required by the airline).

Find out more about what goes into moving pets domestically here. The costs will depend on a few factors, and we'd be happy to talk to you about all the details.

You also need to buy the correct airline-approved travel crate and double check the airline rules to be sure you're in compliance. Please take a look at our blog for more info about pet travel -- many people begin with lots of questions but soon find that their concerns are easily cleared up.

Just let us know if you have more questions about our services, and feel free to check us out on Twitter and Facebook to keep up with all the latest.  Thanks again, and we hope to hear from you soon!



PetRelocation Team




United States