Friday News Update: Delta Bans Bulldogs & Behind the Scenes at PetRelocation

We've reached the end of the work week once again! Hopefully you all have a fun weekend ahead, but before you go, catch up with the top pet travel news stories.

-The summer pet travel season will soon be here and it's important to remember the restrictions you may encounter. Air travel becomes a more delicate process when the temperatures rise, so always be sure to check with your airline regarding their particular policies. For example, be aware that Delta restricts summer pet travel and has banned the transport of all bulldogs year-round due the breed's sensitivity and possible breathing issues.

-It's a question that employees of PetRelocation often encounter -- "what exactly do you do?" Well, if you're curious about what it takes to be a Pet Relocation Specialist, take a look at this firsthand account from one of our new hires! Sarah learned a lot during her first couple of weeks here, and you can too.

-As recovery efforts continue in Japan, a few good souls continue to keep the lost and abandoned pets in mind. One Canadian woman is specifically traveling to the exclusion zone surrounding the Fukushima nuclear power plant in order to save as many animals as she can find. Find out more about her journey.

-We know that dogs are great at boosting our moods and relieving stress, and it turns out some service dogs are being trained to alleviate the devastating symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder, as well. Read the incredible story of one combat veteran and his amazing dog.

Have a safe and happy weekend, everyone!

Need some help planning your pet's upcoming move? Contact us for a pet transport consultation today.

Photo by xlibber via Flickr


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