General Concerns about Pet Air Travel

Name: Tiffany
Number of Pets: 1
Pet Type: Dog
Pet Breed: Pekingese
From: California
To: Florida

I have never flown my dog and I am very nervous. I have to check him as checked baggage because he is too big for the carriers. I just wanted to see how you feel about that. I am flying Delta. He is my baby and means the world to me, and flying is my only option. Do you think a low sedative is a good idea? He is very hyper... Thanks, -Tiffany

Hi Tiffany!

Your initial concerns are totally understandable, but you'll see that, after catching up with some basic information, pet travel won't be such a scary thing. First of all, review these tips for domestic pet travel and read up on the misconceptions about pets flying in cargo. Chances are, your Pekingese will probably be much more comfortable in the cargo area of the plane (which is different than the baggage area) than he would be in the cabin -- especially if he's been given time to get used to his crate during the weeks before the flight. Sedation is not recommended, as this may interfere with a pet's breathing.

We hope this helps, and please don't hesitate to contact one of our Pet Relocation Specialists if you have more questions or if you'd like some help handling your move. Good luck!


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