Guinea Pig Travel to the United States

Dear PetRelocation,

We purchased our guinea pig in Canada. Is there any special paperwork required to bring her into the United States?




Hi Jeff,

The United States has pretty straightforward import rules when it comes to pets; in fact, for guinea pigs, the USDA does not impose any animal health requirements -- take a look for more information about bringing guinea pigs to the United States.

That being said, it would be wise to contact the airline you're using to see what they say about transporting guinea pigs. You'll probably still need a vet health certificate stating your pet is fit to fly, and you'll need to have your guinea pig securely confined to a travel carrier that allows plenty of good airflow and meets the standards of the airline.

We've moved several guinea pigs in our day -- here's more about Pikachu's move from Switzerland to the United States.

Hope this has been helpful, Jeff. If you're interested in hiring assistance with your move, feel free to contact us for a consultation.

Good luck with your travels!


Pet Travel Question Details:

Name: Jeff
Number of Pets: 1
Pet Type: Guinea Pig
Pet Breed: Guinea Pig
From: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
To: Rancho Santa Margarita, California

Need help shipping your Guinea Pig safely? Contact PetRelocation for a pet travel consultation.


Editor's Note: This post was originally published in September 2013 and has been updated with new information.


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United States, Canada