“How do I fly my dog to Australia?”

Name: Ramesh
From: Bangalore, India
To: Brisbane, Australia
Pet: Blacky (black Lab)
Dear PetRelocation,
I would like to relocate my dog from Bangalore, India to Brisbane, Australia. Please let me know about the rules & regulations as well as how much it will cost, approximately.
Hi Ramesh,
Thanks for reaching out with your question. Australia is a rabies free country, so moving pets here requires quite a bit of advance planning. Blacky will need to fulfill a careful series of steps in order to be admitted, and upon arrival he will need to undergo a 30 day quarantine.
This is a somewhat complex process but it's certainly not impossible! We've moved many pets safely to Australia over the years. Take a look at the overview of the pet import requirements, and please let us know if you'd be interested in our assistance.
Please note that in our experience it can be tricky to secure all the proper paperwork to export pets from India -- you will want to check with your local authorities about the procedures as soon as you can and/or fill out our free quote form (with more details we can estimate a cost) if you'd like expert help.
Thanks again for the question, and good luck with your travels!


PetRelocation Team




Australia, India