How to Travel Safely with a Pug

Name: Clea
Number of Pets: 1
Pet Type: Dog
Pet Breed: Pug
From: Florida
To: Minnesota

Dear PetRelocation,

My elderly parents are moving back to Minnesota from Florida. They are too old to drive so have booked a one way airline ticket. Here's my question: the airlines have policies about shipping Pugs due to breathing issues. My mother has an elderly pug she is trying to get back to Minnesota. We are considering various options and your organization has come to mind.

Does PetRelocation offer non-airline means of travel? Have you encountered this issue before?



Hi Clea,

Yes, we've assisted with various snub-nosed breed moves and would be happy to talk to you and your mother about your options.

We do work with ground transport agents in the US who transport pets in safe, pet-friendly vehicles. We're also accustomed to arranging flights for pugs and keeping the conditions as safe as possible by choosing a pet-friendly airline, selecting a travel crate that allows plenty of good airflow, and working with clients to make sure their pets are as well-prepared as they can be for their flight.

We'd be happy to discuss the move further, so please contact us if you'd like to find out more about our door-to-door services. You can give our office a call or fill out our free quote form.

In the meantime, feel free to look over a few things on our blog that may shed light on the travel process: Frequently asked pet travel questions and how to minimize the risks of pet air travel.

Thanks for your question, and we look forward to hearing from  you!


PetRelocation Team




United States