Is Bird Travel to Australia a Possibility?

"Can I Bring My Cockatoo to Australia?"

Hi PetRelocation,

Is it possible to take my pet cockatoo with me to Papua New Guinea? It has CITES papers and came with me from Australia three years ago to Germany. This was all done legally, but I believe I cannot legally bring her back to Australia.

Or, if you know a way to ship my bird to Australia that would be the best option (otherwise the closest to the Australian border that I could take her), please let me know.

Looking forward to your answer.


Hi Stefan,

Thanks for reaching out to us. Bird travel is tricky no matter where you're going, and unfortunately it is particularly restrictive in this part of the world.

We recommend contacting the Papua New Guinea Department of Agriculture if you've yet to do so to find out for sure what they stipulate regarding bird imports, but honestly it sounds unlikely that you'll be able to travel here with your bird. Australia makes it clear on their official site that only some species of birds are allowed to be brought in and they must come straight from New Zealand. Birds are not permitted as imports into New Zealand at this time.

Sorry we can't deliver better news to you, Stefan. Please check the CITES website if you have further questions about where your bird might be permitted, and in general you can contact the Department of Agriculture for the relevant country you're interested in finding out more about.

Thanks again for contacting us, and if you have any pet travel questions in the future or ever need assistance with a move, you're welcome to give us a call or fill out our online consultation form.

Good luck with everything!


Pet Transport Question Details:

Name: Stefan
Number of Pets: 1
Pet Type: Parrot
Pet Breed: Rose-Breasted Cockatoo
From: Germany
To: Papua New Guinea / Australia


Read more pet transport tips and contact us if you're looking for assistance!


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