ISO Compliant Microchips for Pet Travel to Sweden

Name: Sofia
Number of Pets: 1
Pet Type: Dog
Pet Breed: Havanese
From: USA
To: Sweden

Dear PetRelocation,

Our dog has just been microchipped with a HomeAgain chip that is 15 digits. Is this chip ISO compatible? Will customs in Sweden be able to scan his chip?



Hi Sofia,

Thank you for your inquiry. Yes, HomeAgain chips are ISO compatible so you'll be in accordance with this requirement upon entry to Sweden.

For your information, here are the pet import requirements for Sweden as well as a little more information about microchips and pet travel. Now that you have the microchip, you can have your dog vaccinated against rabies (this must happen after the microchip is implanted to be valid). Tapeworm treatment is also required for dogs entering Sweden and we recommend basic vaccinations, as well (you'll see this all outlined in the above link).

If you have any general questions about pet-friendly airlines, crate training, etc., please take a look at these frequently asked questions about pet travel.

Hopefully this helps! Please let us know if you'd like to find out more about our door-to-door pet travel services, and just for fun, here are a few pet travel stories from clients of ours who have moved to Europe.

Happy travels!


PetRelocation Team




United States