It’s Okay to Give Your Pets Some Space! - Vacations with Pets

The idea of leaving your pet behind while going out of town might bring about feelings of hesitancy and doubt amongst an ever-growing number of pet owners. Its always hard to leave your little bundle of fur behind, alone in an environment that is supposed to embody togetherness. Visions abound of crestfallen pets eagerly awaiting the return of their family often break down an ownerҒs resolve to leave their pets at home. Whether it is a 2-day business trip or 2 weeks at the beach, that gnawing concern of what will they do without meӔ remains a constant pressure on many pet owners. In fact, according to the 2007/2008 National Pet Owners Survey and, nineteen percent of dog owners pet traveling for more than two days brought along their dogs.

To be completely honest though, they really donҒt need you there all the time. Chances are, theyd probably prefer it if you left them home in such instances; left them to relax instead of throwing their world upside down. One needs to take into consideration whether the inclusion of a pet during travel serves as a comfort to the pet or, as often is the case, the owner.

Pet travel, in many ways, can be stressful for everyone, and there is simply no need to compound that stress by subjecting pets to the same pressures one must go through when making the trip themselves. The drastic change in environment and climate, a constant barrage of new stimuli, and the likelihood that their owner will probably be wrapped up in other affairs, can all be overwhelming to our pets. Now take into account the various airline requirements, finding a pet-friendly hotel, packing extra food, allowing for bathroom breaks and accidents --- the list goes on and on. Not only does this all put extra strain on our pets, but it puts a heavier burden on the owner as well.

I'm not saying that pet owners should always leave their pets at home. Sometimes its fun for everybody, pets included, to go out and do something new and adventurous. Just remember that pets are pretty self-reliant creatures no matter what we wish to believe, and that, from time to time, what is best for us is not necessarily what is best for our pets.


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