Moving Dogs in the US

Name: Charlie's Mom
Number of Pets: 1
Pet Type: Dog, 2 yrs. old
Pet Breed: Labrador
From: San Antonio, Texas
To: Casco, Maine

What method will you use to transport my pet Charlie and how long will it take to get to Casco, Maine?


Thanks for the question! If you decide to hire to help with your move, we would make arrangements with a pet-friendly airline (probably Continental) and we'd also arrange for him to be picked up at your home, taken to the airport and then driven from the airport to your new home in Maine.

How long this takes depends on a few factors, but one of our Pet Relocation Specialists would be happy to talk it over with you. Go here for more info or to obtain a quote, or give us a call at your convenience!


PetRelocation Team


