Moving with Pets to the Philippines

Name: Jocelyn
Number of Pets: 1
Pet Type: Dog
Pet Breed: Labrador Retriever
From: U.S.A.
To: Philippines

What necessary documents do I need to travel with my dog from the U.S. to the Philippines?

Thank you,


Dear Jocelyn,

Thank you for reaching out with your question about relocating your Labrador Retriever from the U.S. to the Philippines. We're here to guide you through the steps and documents required to ensure a hassle-free journey for your beloved pet. Here's what you need to know:

Key Documents and Preparations for Pet Travel to the Philippines

1. Veterinary Health Certificate: A certified veterinarian must issue a health certificate for your dog, indicating that they are free from infectious diseases and fit for travel. This certificate typically needs to be issued within a certain period before your departure, so please check the most current timeframe requirements.

2. Rabies Vaccination Certificate: Your Labrador must be vaccinated against rabies. The vaccine should be administered at least 30 days before travel but not more than one year prior to entering the Philippines. Ensure you have the official vaccination certificate as proof.

3. Import Permit: Before traveling, you'll need to secure an import permit from the Bureau of Animal Industry (BAI) in the Philippines. This permit is crucial for entry and will outline specific conditions or additional requirements for your dog's importation.

4. Microchip: While not always a strict requirement, having your dog microchipped with an ISO 11784/11785 compliant 15-digit pet microchip is highly recommended for international travel. It ensures your pet can be easily identified at all times.

Please look at the pet import requirements for the Philippines for an idea of what steps you'll need to take to prepare your dog for the trip.

Steps to a Smooth Relocation Process

Pet travel can certainly feel overwhelming at the beginning, so feel free to contact us for a quote if you think you'd like some help. Reading over these frequently asked pet travel questions might also be a good idea.

Hopefully this starts you out in the right direction. Good luck with the trip, and again, let us know if you're interested in further assistance.


PetRelocation Team




United States