Pet News Round-Up: High-tech pet gadgets and a very daring dog rescue

Here are the top news stories from the past week, pet lovers. Enjoy your Friday, and then have a great labor day weekend!

-Do you have a favorite pet travel product that makes life easier? If you're still searching for those little things can make all the difference on the road, take a look at this list, which includes organic shampoo bars and a fiber optic safety collar. Cool stuff!

-When an Alaska woman walked outside to find her dachshund in the jaws of a black bear, she did what any protective (and very brave) pet owner might do -- she punched that bear in the face and saved her dog's life.

-This is interesting: Pet ownership is still all the rage in the US, but in Australia the numbers are fading. According to the Canberra Times, lifestyle changes have led to fewer pet owners.

-Beginners director Mike Mills recently held a photo contest to find the best rescue dog photo and here are the winners! These sweeties have some great stories.

-What's it like to own a pet-friendly vacation rental? One dog-loving owner tells her story.

-Horse-friendly colleges. Yes, they exist!

-And to round everything up, here are a few pics of rabbits jumping over hurdles on an obstacle course. You're welcome.


Photo by Adrian Parnham via Flickr


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