Pet Travel Question: Calming Pet Anxiety During Travel

Name: Charles
Number of Pets: 2
Pet Type: Dog
Pet Breed: Chow Chow
From: Albuquerque, New Mexico
To: Guyana, South America


What would be good to put in a carrier to calm small dogs? They are going as carry on. A carrier I purchased in the past had a chemical in a piece of felt, but I don't think the carrier manufacturer sells it anymore.




Hi Chuck,


Thanks for your question. Many pet owners do look for natural anxiety remedies for their pets, and some people find that things like Chamomile or Valerian make a difference. We don't have any specific products to recommend, but we do have a few tips for helping your dog stay calm while traveling.

1. Allow your pets plenty of time to get used to the crate before you travel; make it a part of daily life by keeping it out in the open and placing toys and treats inside of it to encourage the dogs to view it as a safe and comfortable place.

2. Make sure they're given plenty of exercise before the trip to burn off energy and encourage nap time.

3. Many people like to sleep in an old T-shirt and then place it in the crate on travel day; the familiar smell can be comforting to dogs.

Hopefully this is helpful. Please contact us if you have more questions about  moving your dogs to Guyana, and good luck!


PetRelocation Team


