Pet Travel Question: Cats from Spain to the UK

Name: Julia
From: Malaga, Spain
To: Grays, Essex
Pet: Small 3-year-old Cat

Can you please advise me about what airlines accept cats on flights from Malaga to Heathrow or Gatwick? Also, how much will this cost?


Hi Julia,


Thanks for contacting us with your question! If you’re interested in engaging our services, I welcome you to fill out our free quote form so that a Relocation Specialist can get back to you soon with an estimate of cost. As far as the regulations you’re facing, here are the pet import requirements for the UK (they’ve recently been relaxed – good news for pet travelers!). We also recommend that you choose a pet-friendly airline such as KLM or Lufthansa.


Good luck with everything, and we hope to hear from you soon!


PetRelocation Team


