Pet Travel Question: Moving a Cat to Canada

Name: Trisha
From: Beirut, Lebanon
To: Calgary, Canada
Pet: 2-year-old male cat

Hello, I am desperate and was hoping you could give me some answers. My husband and I are moving back to Calgary, Canada next year in summer 2012, and I want to take our 2-year-old cat with us.
What do I need to get for the cat to be able to enter the country, and about how much will it cost me? He is under 5kg, so would my cat be traveling with me under my seat, or as cargo? Do I need to get my cat also a passport, or is the health vaccination enough?
Please advise, I really want our cat to come with us, he was a rescue cat (a little kitten found on the streets of Beirut in Lebanon), and I won't leave him behind.


Hi Trisha,

Here are the pet import requirements for Canada. As you can see, you'll need a few documents (including a health certificate) as well as a microchip, and we recommend choosing a pet-friendly airline. Be aware that pets are often more comfortable in the temperature-controlled cargo area of the plane where there is less activity.
Good luck with your kitty, and please let us know if we can be of further service to you!

Contact PetRelocation to set up a consultation with a pet travel consultant.



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