Pet Travel Question: Moving Cats to Indonesia

Name: Caroline
Number of Pets: 1
Pet Type: Cat
From: France
To: Jakarta, Indonesia


May I bring my cat to Jakarta? What are the requirements? What is the process? Could you handle his move from door-to-door?



Hi Caroline,

Thanks for your question. You can indeed bring your cat to Jakarta, as long as you meet certain requirements. Have a look at Indonesia's Pet Import Rules and Requirements to get an idea of what will be required. You will notice that the process involves health and paperwork requirements, as well as your cat spending time in quarantine upon arrival in Indonesia. In addition to these requirements, moving your cat means making travel arrangements for him on a pet-friendly airline and making sure his crate is airline-approved.

If you would like help with the pet travel process, we arrange door-to-door moves. If you're interested in our door-to-door services, please fill out our free quote form to be in contact with one of our pet move specialists.

If you'd like to see what it's like to move a pet to Jakarta, take a look at this story about Izzy, a dog we moved to Indonesia last year.

Feel free to contact us if you have any more questions. We look forward to hearing from you soon!


PetRelocation Team




