Pet Travel Question: Moving Pets to Fiji?

Name: Austin and Joanne
Number of Pets: 1 to 5
Pet Type: 1 dog, 1 to 3 horses, 1 cat
Pet Breed: Miniature pincher, dressage horses, domestic cat
From: NZ
To: Fiji


What are the estimated costs for moving pets to Fiji, including travel fees and quarantine rates. Is it difficult to move pets to Fiji?


Austin and Joanne


Fiji is not the easiest place to import pets, but it is possible. First, note that pets are only allowed if they're coming from Australia, Hawaii, or New Zealand (so you're in a good place regarding that stipulation).

You can find more information about how to import pets to Fiji here and here, and for a cost estimate for our pet relocation services, please fill out our free quote form.

Contact us if you have any more questions, and good luck!


PetRelocation Team




New Zealand