Pet Travel Question: Relocating a Military Dog

Number of Pets: 1
Pet Type: Dog
Pet Breed: Belgian Malinois
From: Africa
To: North Carolina

My husband is in the military and is stationed in Africa. His unit acquired several puppies from the United States to be trained as police dogs in Africa. There was one puppy left that was not needed. Since then, this puppy has been living with a group of men from my husband's unit. This dog needs to get out of Africa and brought to the United States. My husband has had the proper care for this dog (shots, microchip, etc.) and has had the African vet give the okay for travel. Is there anything else he should consider?

What a great story! For some guidance, here are the pet import requirements for the United States. The US imposes fewer requirements than many other countries so hopefully the transition will be smooth one. We recommend choosing a pet-friendly airline such as KLM and, if you're interested in engaging the door-to-door services of, feel free to contact us or fill out our free quote form online.

Good luck with everything and thanks for helping to find a home for a deserving dog!


PetRelocation Team


