Pet Travel Question: Returning to the UK

Name: Lia
From: Sao Paulo, Brazil
To: London, UK
Pet: Dog (mixed breed)

I am moving back to the UK in a couple of weeks and would like my dog to join me. Since the law is changing in January we have decided to leave Fulo and prepare her to travel in the beginning of January. My husband was either going to wait to travel with her then or come back and pick her up. However, it seems that to enter the UK she has to be sent as unaccompanied manifest cargo regardless of whether we travel with her or not. I would like to know if I have any other options. Since taking her as special baggage to other parts of Europe apparently costs around $250, while sending her as cargo is around $1500. Add to that the cost of the crate, and all the fees for bureaucracy and you're talking thousands of dollars. We are not very well-off and I would like to make this a less costly process if possible.


Hi Lia,

Thanks for the question, your concerns are definitely understandable. For further clarification, take a look at the new pet import requirements for the UK that are set to begin in January. Unfortunately pet travel isn't a cheap endeavor... Hiring a door-to-door service to take care of the details would be the easiest thing to do in your situation, but we understand that may not fit into your budget. Take a look at to see about hiring an agent for part of your trip, or you can also take a look at for more information about various agents and services that may be able to help you.

Be sure to choose a pet-friendly airline (often use Lufthansa, KLM, Continental or British Airways) and double check those fees. Also, you're welcome to contact us if you'd like to speak to a Pet Relocation Specialist about the specifics of your move. Hopefully this helps... Good luck with everything!


PetRelocation Team


