Pet Travel Story: Bringing a Dog to Australia (and Back)

Incredible Experiences: Sydney's Move Halfway Around the World and Back

Our dog Sydney traveled from New York to Australia. We were extremely nervous, but PetRelocation proved that they can manage to get a dog halfway around the world.

Our dog Sydney spent one month in quarantine before we had the chance to see him, and we were so happy once we finally did.

Unfortunately things did not work out as planned in Australia and we ended up deciding to move back to the US. The worst part was knowing Sydney would have to travel all the way back, but PetRelocation once again proved that it was all possible.

We are so glad Sydney is safe and made it through this whole experience.

Thank you,



Pet Travel Details:

Name: Lorraine
Pet's Name: Sydney
From: Australia
To: Pennsylvania



Looking for help with your pet's international move? Contact us to discuss your pet transport options.



PetRelocation Team




United States, Australia