Pet Travel to New Zealand from Non-Approved Countries

Pet Transport to New Zealand

Dear PetRelocation,
As I have read, Iran is not among the "clean" countries (rabies free), and I don't know if I can move my dog to New Zealand. Could you please advise? I don't know what to do. What sort of documents and certificates are needed? Is quarantine needed on arrival?

Nabat is microchipped and has all her vaccines. She is very cute and friendly.
Hi Bahar,
Thank you for your question. Unfortunately you can't move your dog directly from Iran to New Zealand; you'll first need to either go to an approved country and fulfill a six month residency there or "submit a request for inclusion" of your country in a veterinary certificate. Please read more about these options via the official New Zealand government website.
Due to its rabies-free status, New Zealand is a relatively challenging place for residents of any country to import a pet. For this reason many people choose to hire assistance -- either partial help or full door-to-door services such as ours. If you're interested in the former, we recommend searching for local agents via If you'd like to find out more about what PetRelocation does, please fill out our online consultation form.
You're also welcome to take a look at our blog for answers to common pet travel questions, and for more insight into the emotional and logistical experience of a pet relocation, please read over a few of our recent client pet travel stories.
Hopefully this helps to get you started, Bahar. Please let us know if you think we can be of further assistance, and good luck with Nabat's move!
Pet Transport Question Details:
Name: Bahar
From: Teharn, Iran
To: Auckland, New Zealand
Pet: Nabat, Dog, Terrier, 2 years old, 6 kg


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New Zealand