Preparing for the Holidays: Gifts for Pets on Pinterest

Just as the economy hasn't slowed the pet travel industry or the amount of money we spend on pet Halloween costumes, the winter holidays are set to be a generous season of pet-oriented gift buying and giving.

A recent British survey found that 75% of people plan to buy their pet a gift and over half will spend more money on their pets than their significant other, and the American Pet Products Association reports that Americans typically spend more than $200 million per year on pet gifts. Sound crazy to you, or perfectly normal?

Well, just in case you're looking for gifts for your pets or for the pet-lovers in your life, we're pinning the top gadgets, toys and accessories we run across on a couple of our Pinterest boards: pet-themed gifts and cool pet products. We also have a holiday pets board just for fun, because who doesn't love looking at snow kitties and dogs in scarves?

Will you be giving your pet a gift this year? Do you use Pinterest to keep track of your ideas? Tell us in the comments or on our Facebook page!



Source: via PetRelocation - Any pet, anywhere, anytime! on Pinterest


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