Questions about Dog Transport to Indonesia

How to Ship Pets to Indonesia


I am in need of help.... I need to understand the impact of a potential move.

My dog is 7.5 years old. He is a British dog, with a British pet passport. He lived in UK, then came to Switzerland with us for 4 years, then to Canada for 2 years and now we have a potential move to Indonesia or back to the UK.

He is key in our decision making. I worry about Indonesia, I worry about:

- The journey
- The quarantine
- The paperwork
- The cultural difference with regards to pets/dogs
- The return to the UK/EU in a couple of years

Please can you help me with any advice or information to aid our decision making process? This is a company move.

Thanking you so much,

Hi Sam,

Sure, we'd be happy to offer you some information and to help you make sense of your options. For your reference, here are the pet import requirements for Indonesia.

It sounds like travel isn't new to you, but here is some basic information about traveling with a pet -- choosing the right airline, knowing the country requirements, and helping your dog to be prepared (with exercise, crate-training and hydration) are all good ways to help plan a safe and smooth trip.

We've helped move pets all over the world, and while the new country is often quite a change, we hear again and again that owners find their pets to be surprisingly resilient.

In terms of living with a dog in Indonesia, you can probably expect pet food to be more expensive and the brands available may be limited. Having pets isn't as common in Indonesia as it is in Canada or the EU, but as in much of the world, attitudes are becoming more welcoming.

Here is some advice we give to all future expats regarding pets: research housing/apartment options before you go in order to find something pet-friendly, check online forums and expat websites for current details and helpful tips, and be prepared to exercise respect and flexibility as you adapt to local customs and learn to follow the accepted pet etiquette in your new home.

For a firsthand account of moving a pet to Indonesia, please take a look at the story of Fattie the cat: we recently helped her relocate to Jakarta.

We've moved several pets to Indonesia and would be happy to discuss the process with you in greater depth if you'd like. Note that, to return to the UK or another EU country, your dog will probably face more stringent requirements than if you were coming from a rabies-free country (but it is still possible to do).

Hopefully this helps to get you started! Please contact us if you're interested in hiring some assistance with your move, and good luck with everything.


Pet Transport Question Details:

Name: Sam
Number of Pets: 1
Pet Type: Dog
Pet Breed: Labrador
From: Canada
To: Indonesia


Need help planning your dog's move? Contact us to discuss safe pet shipping options.


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