Staying Cool - Moving Pets in the Summer

If you live in the North, we're sure the spring days have been a welcome change. For those in the South things are just starting to heat up! If you are planning on shipping pets during the busy summer travel season there are some extra precautions you should take for your 4 legged furry friend. Water is always key, your pet can dehydrate very easily on long trips if they do not have fresh water all the time.

If you have a long haired pet make sure to keep their coat groomed properly so their heavy fur isn't keeping them too warm. Most vets have a professional groomer on staff and can keep your pet groomed properly as their fur does protect their skin from the summer sun.

The key is the removing the dead undercoat. It is also recommended that you use a crate that is one size larger than your pet fits in, this makes sure to keep air flowing through the kennel freely and will help your pet to not over heat.

You can also purchase kennel fans which attach to the front of your pets kennel and keeps the air circulating freely. Some airlines will not allow these on flight because of the batteries in them, but they are great for long car rides too if Fluffy needs to be in a pet travel kennel when driving in the car. The bedding you select for their kennel is also very important, you won't want to use a really heavy bedding, stick to a thinner kennel pad that won't create extra warmth.

Enjoy the summer and stay cool!


PetRelocation Team


