“What are the pet import requirements for Spain?”

Name: Karl
Number of Pets: 3
Pet Type: Dog
Pet Breed: Mixed
From: Brazil
To: Spain

I'm moving in the coming year to Spain and I would like to take my three dogs with me. It would break my heart to leave them behind. I need to know what would be all the requirements to do this from Spain, or can you direct me in the right direction to a site with this information?

Thank you very much,



Hi Karl,

Thanks for your question, we'd be happy to direct you. Here's a link listing the pet import requirements for Spain. Your dogs will need full vaccinations, microchips and international health certificates, among other things.

It's important to start the process as early as you can in order to make sure all the details of the move are properly taken care of (if you think you'd like some professional assistance, please fill out our free quote form).

We know that pets are part of the family, and hopefully this information helps you keep them with you where they belong! Good luck, and please let us know if you have more questions.


PetRelocation Team



