The Ladies of PetRelocation Meet Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor

The PetRelocation office is located in busy downtown Austin, TX, a few blocks away from the Capitol and right next door to the historic Driskill Hotel (a place famous for hosting historic political figures like Lyndon B. And Lady Bird Johnson).

We like to keep our eyes open for the various well-known people that spend time in this area (in the past we've spotted Wilco and Jack Black from our office windows), and last week we were able to see and meet another very special person.

Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court Sonia Sotomayor was in town to talk about her new book, My Beloved World, and as she left the Driskill some of the ladies of PetRelocation had a chance to say hello.

As the first Hispanic justice and the third female justice, Sotomayor is an inspirational figure and, as we discovered, a very gracious person as well. It was a pleasure to meet her, and we can't wait to see who we might run into next!



PetRelocation Team




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