Pet Travel: Ground Transport vs. Flying

Across Country Pet Transport: Air Travel or Ground Transportation?

Hi PetRelocation,

My friend doesn't want her dog to fly. Is there a service that provides car transport within the United States?




Hi Chadd,

Thanks for the question. It's understandable to feel nervous about pet air travel, and ground transport options do exist. Doing a Google search or using to find a local pet transport agent who is willing and able to make long road trips is probably your friend's best bet if that's what she is interested in doing.

That being said, if your friend learns more about air travel she may be surprised to find how safe it really can be. Here are a few links that serve as good starting points for building an informed idea of how things work:


One more factor to consider is pricing: if your friend hires someone to drive her dog across the US, this will likely be a more expensive process than flying her dog. This is mostly due to the hours involved (paying the driver for their time, etc.) as well as fuel costs.

Hope this helps! Please let us know if you have more questions or if you think you'd like some assistance arranging this move. Either way, good luck in finding a good solution for your friend's dog move.


Pet Transport Question Details:

Name: Chadd
Number of Pets: 1
Pet Type: Small Dog
From: Houston, TX
To: Marshall, WI

Have questions about the best way to transport your dog across the country? Contact us to discuss your options with one of our experienced Consultants.


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