5 Myths About Pet Quarantine

Dispelling Common Misconceptions About Pet Quarantine

International pet travel often raises questions and concerns about quarantine procedures. Pet owners may have heard myths and misconceptions about what pet quarantine entails and how it may impact their furry companions. Here, we address five common myths and provide the facts about pet quarantine.

Myth #1: Every country requires pet quarantine upon arrival.

Want to see some examples? Read about Archie’s time in Malaysia quarantine, and check out this video of Tilly in Australia quarantine for a look behind the scenes.



Myth #2: Quarantine facilities are basically like jails.

Myth #3: Pets are forever changed after spending time in quarantine.

Myth #4: If I pay extra fees or get “special” paperwork, I might be able to avoid quarantine.

Myth #5: Pets won’t be able to get their food or medicine while in quarantine.


Have questions about pet quarantine or pet travel in general? Contact PetRelocation for a consultation.


(Picture #1: A dog at Sembawang Animal Quarantine Station in Singapore; Picture #2: Lucky and Diesel at London & Essex International Quarantine Kennels; Picture #3: Chunk the French Bulldog at Eastern Creek Quarantine in Sydney, Australia)


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