Tips for Safe Air Travel With a Pug

Hi PetRelocation!

I'm considering the possibility of relocating to San Francisco, CA next year, but one of my main concerns right now is that I have a Pug and I would never leave him behind.

From my previous research I found out that it can be really problematic to take dogs with flat noses in airplanes, specially on such a long journey.

Have you guys ever done such a thing? Is it possible to do it with no risk? How can it be done?

Thank you very much!



Hi Felipe,

Thanks for your questions! Traveling with snub-nosed pets isn't necessarily impossible, but it does require extra care and attention to detail. We've helped many pugs and other brachycephalic breeds relocate and would be happy to offer some advice.

Please start by reading over these frequently asked pet travel questions as well as a few tips for flying with a snub-nosed dog. You will need to do some airline research if you decide to go forward, as many carriers have restrictions when it comes to flying certain breeds and flying pets during times of extreme temperature.

It's very important to choose a pet friendly airline -- we often use United, KLM and Lufthansa, for example -- and you'll also need to have a travel crate that's large enough to allow plenty of good airflow; usually we recommend Pugs go one size up. Of course, we highly recommend discussing any concerns you have with your vet, as well.

We would be happy to further discuss your options with you, Felipe. Please feel free to fill out our online consultation form or give our office a call to learn more about how to move your Pug safely.

You're also welcome to peruse our blog for stories about snub-nosed breeds who have traveled all over the world (you can start with Coco, Simba and Virgo's story.)

Thanks again, and good luck with everything!


Pet Travel Question Details:

Name: Felipe
Number of Pets: 1
Pet Type: Dog
Pet Breed: Pug
From: Stockholm, Sweden
To: San Francisco, CA, USA


Contact PetRelocation for help with moving your snub-nosed pet safely!


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