What Kinds of Pets Are Allowed into Australia?

Can Hedgehogs Travel to Australia? 

Dear PetRelocation,

Which pets can be brought into Australia? Is there a way to import my hedgehog here?




Hi Alia,

Thanks for the question, we're happy to help with some information.

Unfortunately, according to the official pet import rules for Australia (via the government website), it looks like hedgehogs are not permitted to enter the country at this time. Find the list of approved and non-approved pets here.

Sorry to be the bearer of this news, Alia. Australia is a rabies-free country and imposes pretty strict rules when it comes to bringing pets there. Even dogs and cats must undergo several months of preparation, and upon arrival must spend 10 days in a government quarantine facility. 

Here is an overview of Australia pet travel rules and FAQs in case you have any other questions.

We hope you can find a good alternative to your situation. If you have any more questions about pet travel, feel free to contact us.

Thanks again for reaching out, and good luck with everything.


Pet Travel Question Details:

Name: Alia
Number of Pets: 1
Pet Type: Hedgehog
From: Canada
To: Australia


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