Dog Travel From Canada to New York

Name: Cat
Number of Pets: 1
Pet Type: Dog
Pet Breed: Dachshund

Dear PetRelocation,

I am planning to travel to Canada and back to New York by car. I want to take my dog with me but I am having a terrible time finding out what I need to do in order to make this trip possible.

I do not want to try to re-enter the US with my dog and find that I cannot. I can't seem to find a proper website with information about what New York State regulations are in order to return with my pet dog.

Do you know what I need to have? I asked a local vet office and they didn't know either. He has his rabies vaccination certificate but I think New York State wants more than that. Am I right? HELP!!!

Thanks so much,



Hi Cat,

Thanks for reaching out, we'd be happy to provide some information. For reference, here are the pet import requirements for Canada and the pet import requirements for the United States.

We have previously discussed what it takes to cross the US/Canada border with a pet on our blog. The US is generally more lenient than Canada (and many other countries), but to return to New York specifically you'll need proof of an updated rabies vaccine and a certificate of veterinary inspection. Take a look at the CDC and USDA websites for more information.

Hopefully this helps, Cat. Please let us know if you require further assistance, and have a great and safe trip.



PetRelocation Team




United States, Canada
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