AUSTRALIA Transportation for Pets

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5 Myths About Pet Quarantine

Dispelling Common Misconceptions About Pet Quarantine International pet travel often raises questions and concerns about quarantine procedures. Pet owners may have heard myths and misconceptions about what pet quarantine entails and how it may impact their furry companions. Here, we…

Pet Travel Question: Can My Cat Fly Alone?

Flying Solo: What to Know About Sending Your Cat on a Flight Without You Dear PetRelocation, Do I have to catch the same flight as my cat? I am considering spending time in China on the way to Australia. Can…

How Much Does It Cost to Move My Pet?

How Much Does Pet Travel Cost? Pet owners planning to move their pets are often curious about the cost of pet transportation. However, the complexity of pet travel makes it difficult to answer this question straightforwardly. Several factors contribute to…

Moving to Australia with Pets? Read This First!

This post was most recently updated on March 10, 2021  If you’re planning a move to Australia, you are likely already aware of the strict import requirements pets must meet. One such requirement is that live animals must…

Australia Quarantine Holiday Closure

Each year we advise our clients about the possible roadblocks you could run into when traveling with pets around the holidays. Government closures and busy airlines are just a couple of things that might stop you from making your pet…

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