Pet Transport Blog

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Flying With a Large Dog

"Can My Large Dog Fly In-Cabin?"   Hi PetRelocation, I'm desperately trying to find a way my dog can ride in the cabin of a plane to relocate to Japan. She is 40 pounds, so "too large" by all standards…

How Much Does It Cost to Move My Pet?

How Much Does Pet Travel Cost? Pet owners planning to move their pets are often curious about the cost of pet transportation. However, the complexity of pet travel makes it difficult to answer this question straightforwardly. Several factors contribute to…

How Much Does a Health Certificate Cost?

If you're planning to travel with your pet, you may need to obtain a health certificate from your veterinarian to comply with the regulations of your destination. However, many pet owners need clarification about the costs of obtaining a…

Importance of Domestic Health Certificates

Moving with a pet can be a stressful and complicated process. One important consideration for pet owners is the requirement for health documentation when moving their pets across state lines within the United States. This documentation is necessary to ensure…

Pet Partner Spotlight: Magic CarPet Rides!

Here at PetRelocation, we cannot be all over the world at once. So, a huge part of what we do is cultivate relationships with pet industry pros from every part of the globe. A pet partner goes through a significant…

Moving to Australia with Pets? Read This First!

This post was most recently updated on March 10, 2021  If you’re planning a move to Australia, you are likely already aware of the strict import requirements pets must meet. One such requirement is that live animals must…

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