Client Move Story: Whiskers’ Move to Singapore

Incredible Experiences: Whiskers in Singapore

When my husband's job options narrowed down to Singapore or Australia last December, my main concern was Whiskers. He had a rough life in a farm barn until we adopted him, and it took us a while to get him back to health. This made our bond stronger, so we dreaded the thought of leaving him behind.

We knew that either way quarantine was required, but were very worried about the flight, as he hated the carrier from going to the vet so many times. I also had a cat before who moved in-state and had a terrible experience so we considered a lot of options until our move to Singapore was finalized, including leaving Whiskers with family members in another country, finding a way to stay in the US, or even flying him in the cabin with us (which ended up not being possible due to his size).

whiskers the cat in singapore

From the very beginning I had searched online for ways to move your pet and had found PetRelocation. The customer reviews and their long experience were impressive, and were definitely a factor that helped us choose their service. Because I had studied the possibility of bringing him on the flight with us, I was aware of the paperwork for Singapore. Our specialist was a great help in reviewing everything --  helping us find a new vet who was USDA accredited for the paperwork and arranging everything else.

We met an agent at JFK airport, who was really caring and attentive to Whiskers' needs until his flight. We came on a different flight and arrived earlier, but I was happily surprised when we went to visit him in quarantine the first time and he was much less stressed than I had expected. It was hard to leave him there at the end of each visit, but he had to stay there for only 10 days.

About a week later he was settled in our new home, adjusted to the foods available here and is now back to being the loving spoiled cat he's been. I'm glad he's here to share this new life with us 😊

Thank you,


Pet Travel Details:

Name: Rejane
Pet's Name: Whiskers
From: Binghamton, NY
To: Singapore

Contact PetRelocation for help with moving your cat or dog to Singapore!


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Incredible Experiences


