Flying with Snub-Nosed Dogs: Sparky’s Story

Keeping your family together is our mission, but it's not always the easiest mission. Especially when your pet's breed has special considerations. When Sparky's family realized they needed help with bringing him from Saudi Arabia to the United States, they called PetRelocation! We were happy to help. Here's their story. 

My family and I have a 3-year-old pug named Sparky Anderson, and he was brought to Saudi Arabia when he was just a puppy. Our family adopted Sparky when his family left the country and struggled with relocating Sparky due to his breed. After a few attempts at arranging his travel on our own, I knew I needed help and in swooped PetRelocation. They took care of Sparky and his travel arrangements every step of the way. It gave us a tremendous peace of mind knowing Sparky was being well taken care of during his travels.


Thank you PetRelocation! Sparky is loving the USA!

You're welcome! And the USA is loving Sparky. 
If you and your pet need assistance traveling across the world, or across the country, reach out today! We'd love to be part of your adventure. While you're at it, make sure to tag us on Instagram to share your journey with the hashtag #MyPetRelocation! 


PetRelocation Team


Air Travel, Incredible Experiences




Saudi Arabia