Incredible Experiences: Sherlock and Loki’s Move Home to Boston

"Sherlock and Loki's London Adventure"

When we decided to move to London we began researching the best way to move our cats, Sherlock and Loki, with us while subjecting them to as little stress as possible.

We found PetRelocation through online research and pored over reviews and testimonials from other pet owners before deciding to move forward with them rather than trying to move Sherlock and Loki without assistance.

We made the right choice. Moving is stressful for pets and owners alike and having such attentive and professional assistance the entire way made Sherlock and Loki's move to London (and now back to the USA) as easy and painless as it possibly could have been.


The staff at PetRelocation checked in with us and gave us reminders at every step of the way and even provided a pet flight tracker so we could see where our cats were in their journey. After our cats arrived, PetRelocation checked in with us to see how they were settling in and even recommended veterinarians in the local area.

If we have any other major moves we will use them again without question! We are very grateful to them for helping us make two international moves and keeping our kitties safe and comfortable along the way.

Pet Travel Details:

Name: Kate
Pets' Names: Sherlock and Loki
From: London
To: Boston

Looking for professional pet shipping assistance? Contact us for a pet travel consultation.


PetRelocation Team


Incredible Experiences


