Moving Dogs to Mexico City: Lucy’s Pet Relocation Story

Incredible Experiences: Lucy's Relocation to Mexico

We were set to move for work from Washington, DC to Mexico City, and were concerned about moving our 1-year old English bulldog, Lucy, because of the problems smooshed-faced dogs can sometimes have traveling.

We contacted PetRelocation because of their expertise in moving pets as safely and comfortably as possible. Lucy arrived in Mexico City safe and sound! The company was great -- they helped us overcome all sorts of last minute hassles, including changing airlines when our airline changed their pet policy at the last minute and refused to fly Lucy. This was particularly helpful because moving internationally is tough anyway, and we were also dealing with movers, visa issues, renting our house, etc. all at the same time. Our Relocation Specialist had all sorts of recommendations to make Lucy's travel easier given her breed.

The agents who picked up Lucy at our house and brought her to us in Mexico were both great! Both were very professional and very obviously dog people, and we were happy they were taking care of our girl. There was a 6 hour delay in Mexican customs, and the agent stayed with her the whole time, giving her water and taking her on walks, until she was able to come to her new home.

Given the last minute changes to Lucy's ticket by the airline, had it not been for PetRelocation we probably would have not been able to move Lucy with us.... she would have had to stay with friends and family until we could have coordinated another plan. Much love and thanks to PetRelocation!

Pet Travel Details:

Name: David
Pet's Name: Lucy
From: Washington, DC
To: Mexico City, Mexico


Need help moving your pet internationally? Contact PetRelocation to discuss your options with us. 

Editor's Note: This post was originally published in November 2011 and has been updated with new information.


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Incredible Experiences


