Pet Move of the Month: Louis, Alfie and Halo’s Move to England

Incredible Experiences: Three Pets to the UK

A few weeks ago we helped three dogs, Alfie, Halo and Louis, make their way from Austin, TX to Hastings, England.

They were ready for a change of pace and scenery (Austin summers are pretty brutal), and their owners worked carefully with us to make sure their pups would make it safely and smoothly across the pond.

Read on for more details about this three-dog move, and thanks to their owners for sharing the story!

What brought about your move to the UK?

We were concerned at the rate Austin was growing and fell out of love with the city. In the end I really missed being in nature and felt a bit guilty that because of the heat we were really restricted about what we could do with the dogs.

Have you ever moved a pet internationally before this?

We looked at moving to Uruguay two years ago and went through PetRelocation then. They were amazing from the moment we made the phone call, but our move to Uruguay fell apart and happily we decided to move to the UK.

I know from living there before that they are very strict with customs and laws regarding dogs, so I knew I needed help to make sure everything was in order. One mistake can cost you quarantine time and I really did not want that, so I knew from my last experience with PetRelocation that they could get the job done and I wouldn't have to stress myself stupid.

What were some of your initial concerns?

My biggest concerns were that the dogs might die during the trip. When you look on the internet there are a lot of stories about mistakes made -- dogs dehydrating, etc. Other concerns were the expense of getting them from A to B, the paperwork being in order (as I am hopeless with paperwork), knowing the order in which the treatments are given to the dogs... The list went on.



Did anything surprise you about the pet travel process?

I wasn't surprised by the process. I really was glad that the UK relaxed their laws so we could have the opportunity to bring our guys.

How did your dogs handle the transition?

The dogs have their nose to the ground from the moment we leave the house. The weather is in the 60s and they are allowed off lead in the valleys and on the beach. They really seem to be so joyous when we walk. There is much more freedom on walks with designated off and on leash spots.

There are rolling hills, sea views and cold breezes. They are so tired at night, they put themselves to bed around six. Dogs are allowed everywhere in Hastings: pubs, restaurants and coffee shops, inside and out. They're with us all day and have socialized really well. I love that I am always with them.

Is Hastings a pet-friendly place to be?

There are bespoke pet shops here, handmade jackets and hats and vets on every corner, and lots of charity shops to support vets for pets. There are dog shows in the parks in the summertime for the locals, and you will see if you come here that most people have dogs.



What advice do you have for pet owners planning a move?

If you are planning a move the preparation is stressful, and you really need to research what you need and in what order. My advice is that you use a relocating company so that you can focus on getting everything else in order. But find a good one and see whether or not you like the people you are going to use.

PetRelocation for me was exceptional. Every person I dealt with gave exceptional service, and more importantly, they are good people who were able to put me at ease through all of my freak-outs.


Have questions about moving with your pets? Contact us to discuss your options.


PetRelocation Team


Move of the Month, Incredible Experiences



United States, UK, EU