Pet Travel Spotlight: Moving With Fish

Incredible Experiences: Transporting Fish Across Country

While it's true that most of the pet moves we handle consist of dogs and cats, occasionally we're contacted by pet owners with totally different situations. We love a challenge, so when a potential client hoping to move 11 Koi got in touch with us, we were excited to to accept the move.

Check out these special pets below. We moved all 11 fish from Texas to Nashville, TN with just a few days notice, and we're happy to report that the trip went smoothly and the Koi are now settling into their new pond.

Relocating pets is always an adventure, and no matter the shape or the size, we're happy to help families stay together when life throws big changes into the mix!

Please contact PetRelocation with questions about moving fish (or any other pet).


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Ground Transport Stories, Incredible Experiences

