Pet Travel Story: Huskey’s Move to Malaysia

Here's a great note from a recent customer. We helped his dog Huskey move from California to Malaysia.


Hi PetRelocation,

Here's a photo of Huskey on our living room sofa. He is doing well and coping well and has been running around the home.

Thank you for providing us with great service throughout the journey. We couldn't ask for more. Huskey was treated so well in quarantine -- they even gave him an air conditioner!

We really appreciate it and we are so glad that we have chosen your company to help move our little boy. Thank you so much. We will definitely recommend PetRelocation to our friends, and we will definitely use the service again if we are moving again.

Thanks so much.



Need some help arranging your pet's move to Malaysia (or elsewhere)? Contact us to learn more about your options.


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Incredible Experiences



United States, Malaysia