Pet Travel Story: The Maine Coon Express

Incredible Experiences: Tyler's the Cat's Trip to London

Tyler is our beloved Maine Coon family cat. He's 12 years old and he's moved with us from Austin, TX > Washington, DC > San Francisco, CA > Houston, TX and now to London, UK.

We thought we would try to handle all the pet arrangements ourselves, but with a 1 1/2 year-old toddler and an international move, we realized we needed help less than one week from our planned trip!

Thank you Jon, for not telling me I'm crazy and saying we would find a solution! He said it would be safer to get everything properly set up for Tyler a few days after our flight, and helped us arrange to get him delivered to our doorstep at our new home in London.

Jon/Bethany worked with us + our in-laws who would be dropping off Tyler at the airline for his flight. At every step, they were there. Jon even stayed on the phone with me at the vet's office to ensure the paperwork was done correctly (eliminating the need to redo anything because we would already be in the UK) and talked to the staff there until they got it right.

Once they were involved, it was all marked off my list of things to worry about! It was also such a relief to have Tyler delivered to our doorstep a few days after we had time to adjust to the major shocker/toddler time zone adjustment (Jon was sooo right!).

To boot, Tyler seemed totally relaxed when he arrived. He didn't race to go potty or eat/drink water. He checked out his surroundings, then took a seat in the living room on a pillow like it was no big deal -- sort of his way of saying, "Okay, I'm here. Don't bother me!" Love it.

Thank you so very much!



Pet Travel Details:

Name: Dominic
Pet’s Name: Tyler
From: Houston, TX
To: London, UK


Looking for assistance with your cat's move to the UK? Contact us to discuss your pet transport options. 


PetRelocation Team


Incredible Experiences


