Pet Travel Story: Two Cats’ Cross Country Journey

Incredible Experiences: An Update from Bee and Bo

We love receiving updates from past clients! Here's one that just arrived from Bee and Bo, who moved from Texas to Florida about a year ago.

Hello Heather!

I wanted you to know that PetRelocation has another move to be proud of. Bee and Bo have made a perfect transition from their home in Texas to their new home in Florida.

Not only did you all take great care of those two, but you reduced my stress level drastically. I was an emotional wreck when Bethany and Anna came to pick up the girls early on the morning of 11/19/13. They were so sweet and caring with the B's and with me.

The lovely lady who transported the girls from the Orlando airport to my home was incredibly calming and helpful, too. She made sure that we showed them their litter box right away, and then advised me to keep the environment low key until they got their sea legs.

Bee and Bo really enjoy their new surroundings, especially the screened-in pool area, where they can wander, hunt down lizards, and watch all the birds up close. They are healthy, happy, and thriving.

Thank you so much for your professionalism and your kindness.


Patti, Bee and Bo  


Thanks to Patti for this fabulous update! Moving a pet soon? Please contact PetRelocation if you're interested in hiring some assistance.


PetRelocation Team


Incredible Experiences




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